Informative videos2018-01-16T19:40:27+00:00

Informative videos

Hydration needs during the summer

Discover what you need to know regarding Hydration Needs During the Summer by watching this short yet informative video created by the European Hydration Institute.

As environmental temperatures rise during the summer, the risk of dehydration increases, which can led to heat cramps, heat exhaustion or heat stroke. See how can you reduce this risk in this EHI educational video which includes tips on how to stay hydrated during the summer.

Special hydration needs of the elderly in summer

Discover what you need to know regarding Special Hydration needs of the elderly in summer by watching this short yet informative video created by the European Hydration Institute.

As temperatures rise during the summer, the risk of dehydration increases. Elderly people are at greater risk of dehydration and its potentially harmful consequences. See how can you reduce this risk in our educational video which includes hints and tips to help elderly people stay hydrated during the hot summer months.

The Importance of Variety for Hydration

The second instalment of our ‘Hydration in 1 Minute’ series: “The importance of Variety for Hydration”.

Watch this informative video to discover how a variety of sources will keep you well hydrated.

Hydration for Sports Performance & Physical activity

First of a set of three Hydration in 1 Minute Videos called “Hydration for Sports Performance & Physical Activity”.

Watch this informative video on how to stay well hydrated during physical exercise and sports training