Dysphagia, nutrition, and hydration in ischemic stroke patients at admission and discharge from acute care.

Dysphagia may predispose stroke patients toward undernutrition and hydration. These comorbidities increase patient risks for reduced functional outcome and short-term mortality. Despite this impact, available information on relationships among dysphagia, nutrition, and hydration status in acute stroke is limited and conflicted. This study evaluated nutrition and hydration status in ischemic stroke patients with versus without [...]

By |2017-05-21T03:16:09+00:00abril 26th, 2013|Cardiovascular disease, cardiovascular function, Documentos científicos, Hydration and health, Stroke|Comentarios desactivados en Dysphagia, nutrition, and hydration in ischemic stroke patients at admission and discharge from acute care.

Early and personalized ambulatory follow-up to tailor furosemide and fluid intake according to congestion in post-discharge heart failure.

Congestive heart failure (CHF) worsening is a worldwide cause of rehospitalization and mortality, specially during the early period after hospitalization. Fluid accumulation plays a key role in the pathophysiology of both acute heart decompensation and disease progression. The effective use of drugs to maintain restored clinical stabilization in recently discharged patients is a difficult task, [...]

By |2017-05-21T03:16:35+00:00abril 26th, 2013|Cardiovascular disease, cardiovascular function, Documentos científicos, Hydration and health, Stroke|Comentarios desactivados en Early and personalized ambulatory follow-up to tailor furosemide and fluid intake according to congestion in post-discharge heart failure.

Dysphagia, Nutrition, and Hydration in Ischemic Stroke Patients at Admission and Discharge from Acute Care.

Dysphagia may predispose stroke patients toward undernutrition and hydration. These comorbidities increase patient risks for reduced functional outcome and short-term mortality. Despite this impact, available information on relationships among dysphagia, nutrition, and hydration status in acute stroke is limited and conflicted. This study evaluated nutrition and hydration status in ischemic stroke patients with versus without [...]

By |2017-05-21T03:17:43+00:00enero 31st, 2013|Documentos científicos, Stroke|Comentarios desactivados en Dysphagia, Nutrition, and Hydration in Ischemic Stroke Patients at Admission and Discharge from Acute Care.

Swallowing, nutrition, and hydration during acute stroke care.

Dysphagia occurs in up to half of patients after an acute stroke and may cause dehydration, undernutrition, and aspiration pneumonia. Current evidence suggests that a systematic program of diagnosis and treatment of dysphagia in an acute stroke management plan may yield dramatic reductions in aspiration pneumonia rates. There is also some evidence thatnutritional supplementation and proper hydration may reduce morbidity and mortality [...]

By |2017-05-21T03:21:05+00:00enero 31st, 2013|Documentos científicos, Stroke|Comentarios desactivados en Swallowing, nutrition, and hydration during acute stroke care.