Effect of Preexercise Soup Ingestion on Water Intake and Fluid Balance During Exercise in the Heat.

PURPOSE: To determine whether chicken noodle soup before exercise increases ad libitum water intake, fluid balance, and physical and cognitive performance compared with water. METHODS: Nine trained men (age: 25±3y; VO2peak: 54.2±5.1ml·kg-1·min-1; mean±SD) performed cycle exercise in the heat (Wet Bulb Globe Temperature=25.9±0.4ºC) for 90min at 50% VO2peak, 45min after ingesting 355ml of either commercially-available [...]

By |2017-05-21T03:18:11+00:00enero 31st, 2013|Documentos científicos, Exercise and sport|Comentarios desactivados en Effect of Preexercise Soup Ingestion on Water Intake and Fluid Balance During Exercise in the Heat.

Significant and serious dehydration does not affect skeletal muscle cramp threshold frequency.

OBJECTIVE: Many clinicians believe that exercise-associated muscle cramps (EAMC) occur because of dehydration. Experimental research supporting this theory is lacking. Mild hypohydration (3% body mass loss) does not alter threshold frequency (TF), a measure of cramp susceptibility, when fatigue and exercise intensity are controlled. No experimental research has examined TF following significant (3-5% body mass [...]

By |2017-05-21T03:17:44+00:00enero 31st, 2013|Documentos científicos, Exercise and sport|Comentarios desactivados en Significant and serious dehydration does not affect skeletal muscle cramp threshold frequency.

Effects of hydration and water deprivation on blood viscosity during a soccer game in sickle cell trait carriers.

The present study compared the changes in blood viscosity, hydration status, body temperature and heart rate between a group of sickle cell trait (SCT) carriers and a control (Cont) group before and after a soccer game performed in two conditions: one with water offered ad libitum (hydration condition; Hyd) and the other one without water [...]

By |2017-05-21T03:18:31+00:00enero 31st, 2013|Documentos científicos, Exercise and sport|Comentarios desactivados en Effects of hydration and water deprivation on blood viscosity during a soccer game in sickle cell trait carriers.

The Impact of Ramadan Observance upon Athletic Performance

Ramadan observance requires a total abstention from food and drink from sunrise to sunset for a period of one month. Such intermittent fasting has only minor effects upon the overall nutrition and physiological responses of the general sedentary population. Larger meals are consumed at night and in the early morning. Body mass usually remains unchanged, [...]

By |2017-05-21T03:18:31+00:00enero 31st, 2013|Documentos científicos, Exercise and sport|Comentarios desactivados en The Impact of Ramadan Observance upon Athletic Performance

Fluid balance of elite female basketball players before and during game play

This study determined the fluid balance of elite female basketball players before and during competition. Before and during two international games seventeen national level players (age: 24.2 ± 3 y; height: 180.5 ± 6 cm; mass: 78.8 ± 8 kg) were assessed. Fluid balance assessment included pregame hydration level as determined by urine specific gravity [...]

By |2017-05-21T03:18:32+00:00enero 31st, 2013|Documentos científicos, Exercise and sport|Comentarios desactivados en Fluid balance of elite female basketball players before and during game play

Effect of exercise-induced dehydration on endurance performance: evaluating the impact of exercise protocols on outcomes using a meta-analytic procedure.

Objective: It is purported that exercise-induced dehydration (EID), especially if ≥ 2% bodyweight, impairs endurance performance (EP). Field research shows that athletes can achieve outstanding EP while dehydrated > 2% bodyweight. Using the meta-analytic procedure, this study compared the findings of laboratory-based studies that examined the impact of EID upon EP using either ecologically valid [...]

By |2017-05-21T03:18:32+00:00enero 31st, 2013|Documentos científicos, Exercise and sport|Comentarios desactivados en Effect of exercise-induced dehydration on endurance performance: evaluating the impact of exercise protocols on outcomes using a meta-analytic procedure.

Hydration, sweat and thermoregulatory responses to professional football training in the heat.

This study examined the relationship between intensity of training and changes in hydration status, core temperature, sweat rate and composition and fluid balance in professional football players training in the heat. Thirteen professional football players completed three training sessions; "higher-intensity" (140 min; HI(140)), "lower-intensity" (120 min; LI(120)) and "game-simulation" (100 min; GS(100)). Movement demands were [...]

By |2017-05-21T03:18:32+00:00enero 31st, 2013|Documentos científicos, Exercise and sport|Comentarios desactivados en Hydration, sweat and thermoregulatory responses to professional football training in the heat.

Body Mass Change and Ultraendurance Performance: A Decrease in Body Mass Is Associated With an Increased Running Speed in Male 100-km Ultramarathoners.

Body mass change and ultraendurance performance: a decrease in body mass is associated with an increased running speed in male 100-km ultramarathoners. J Strength Cond Res 26(6): 1505-1516, 2012-We investigated, in 50 recreational male ultrarunners, the changes in body mass, selected hematological and urine parameters, and fluid intake during a 100-km ultramarathon. The athletes lost [...]

By |2017-05-21T03:18:33+00:00enero 31st, 2013|Documentos científicos, Exercise and sport|Comentarios desactivados en Body Mass Change and Ultraendurance Performance: A Decrease in Body Mass Is Associated With an Increased Running Speed in Male 100-km Ultramarathoners.

The effect of a cold beverage during an exercise session combining both strength and energy systems development training on core temperature and markers of performance.

BACKGROUND: Although studies have investigated the effects of hydration on performance measures, few studies have investigated how the temperature of the ingested liquid affects performance and core temperature during an exercise session. The hypothesis of the present study was that cold water would improve thermoregulation and performance as measured by bench repetitions to fatigue, broad [...]

By |2017-05-21T03:19:08+00:00enero 31st, 2013|Documentos científicos, Exercise and sport|Comentarios desactivados en The effect of a cold beverage during an exercise session combining both strength and energy systems development training on core temperature and markers of performance.

Hydration Status, Fluid Intake and Electrolyte Losses in Youth Soccer Players

The purpose of the study was to determine the hydration status, fluid intake and electrolyte losses of 21 male professional youth soccer players (age 17.1 ± 0.7 yr) training in a cool environment. Pre- and post training measurements of body mass, urine (freezing point osmolality method) and sweat concentration (flame emission spectroscopy) were collected. Fourteen [...]

By |2017-05-21T03:19:09+00:00enero 31st, 2013|Documentos científicos, Exercise and sport|Comentarios desactivados en Hydration Status, Fluid Intake and Electrolyte Losses in Youth Soccer Players