Disordered water metabolism: hyponatremia.

Normal osmoregulation is maintained by the proper function and interplay of factors influencing thirst, renal water metabolism, and vasopressin secretion. In pathophysiologic states, body water homeostasis is disrupted and hyponatremia ensures. Hyponatremia associated with cardiac failure, hepatic failure, respiratory failure, diabetes mellitus, the postoperative state, and other disorders is commonly found in the critical care [...]

Recovery from prolonged exercise: restoration of water and electrolyte balance.

Rapid and complete restoration of fluid balance after exercise is an important part of the recovery process, especially in hot, humid conditions, when sweat losses may be high. Rehydration after exercise can only be achieved if the electrolytes lost in sweat, as well as the lost water, are replaced. However, the amount of electrolytes lost [...]

Early onset of hypernatraemic dehydration and fever in exclusively breast-fed infants.

Five cases of moderately severe hypernatraemic dehydration were identified within a 5-month period between two regional hospitals in Hong Kong. Unlike previous reported cases, these exclusively breast-fed infants presented with the unusual triad of fever, absence of overt signs of dehydration and within the first week of life. Three of the cases also had high [...]

A prospective clinical study of patients with hypernatraemic dehydration.

In a clinical prospective 3-year study of 158 children aged 2 weeks to 14 years with hypernatraemic dehydration (serum sodium 150 mmol/l or more), infants predominated (61.4%). The 158 children with hypernatraemia accounted for 13.7% of all children admitted with gastroenteritis over the same period, and significant aetiological factors included the use of artificial feeds, [...]

Disorders of water and salt metabolism associated with pituitary disease.

Disorders of water and sodium homeostasis are very common problems encountered in clinical medicine. Disorders of water metabolism are divided into hyperosmolar and hypoosmolar states, with hyperosmolar disorders characterized by a deficit of body water in relation to body solute and hypoosmolar disorders characterized by an excess of body water in relation to total body [...]

Rehydration after exercise in the heat: a comparison of 4 commonly used drinks.

To determine the effectiveness of 3 commonly used beverages in restoring fluid and electrolyte balance, 8 volunteers dehydrated by 1.94% +/- 0.17% of body mass by intermittent exercise in the heat, then ingested a carbohydrate-electrolyte solution (Gatorade), carbonated water/apple-juice mixture (Apfelschorle), and San Benedetto mineral water in a volume equal to 150% body-mass loss. These [...]

Hypernatremic dehydration in breast-fed infants.

Three cases highlight the association between elevated breast milk sodium and hypernatremic dehydration in the infant. All three mothers, breast-feeding exclusively, had sodium levels in breast milk elevated significantly above normal. Severe hypernatremic dehydration in otherwise normal infants who are exclusively breast fed can be due to elevated sodium levels in breast milk. PMID: 7778332 [...]

Exercise associated hyponatraemia: quantitative analysis to understand the aetiology.

BACKGROUND: The development of symptomatic hyponatraemia consequent on participation in marathon and ultraendurance races has led to questions about its aetiology and prevention. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate: (a) the assertion that sweat sodium losses cannot contribute to the development of hyponatraemia during endurance exercise; (b) the adequacy of fluid replacement recommendations issued by the International Marathon [...]

Effects of carbohydrate-electrolyte content of beverages on voluntary hydration in a simulated industrial environment.

This study examined the effects of ingesting beverages of varying electrolyte-carbohydrate (ECHO) composition on hydration, sensory response, physiological function, and work performance during 4 hours of simulated industrial work for subjects wearing impermeable protective clothing (PC). Male subjects (N=18) completed four separate work sessions. Each session consisted of 30 min of treadmill walking with intermittent [...]

Death from hyponatremia as a result of acute water intoxication in an Army basic trainee.

Several reports during the past 15 years have described hyponatremia as a result of excessive water intake by athletes during endurance races. The high rates of fluid consumption have been attributed to the desire of athletes to prevent heat injury. The military has adopted guidelines for programmed drinking to maintain performance and minimize the risk [...]