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No abstract available.
Energy requirements during space flight are poorly defined because they depend on metabolic-balance studies, food disappearance, and dietary records. Water turnover has been estimated by balance methods only. The purpose of this study was to determine energy requirements and water turnover for short-term space flights (8-14 d). Subjects were 13 male astronauts aged 36-51 y [...]
AIMS: To assess whether workers under significant thermal stress necessarily dehydrated during their exposure and whether "involuntary dehydration" was inevitable, as supported by ISO 9866 and other authorities. Other objectives were to quantify sweat rates against recommended occupational limits, to develop a dehydration protocol to assist with managing heat exposures, and to understand the role [...]
The purpose of this review is to study general behaviour of human systems with respect to the environmental conditions. This type of work will be of profound significance to record the effect of medical treatment in various climatic zones of the world (Arayne and Saify, 1975). We attempted to discuss various facts which would be [...]
Palatability of beverages has been shown to influence drinking patterns and hydration. Cool beverages are known to enhance palatability; however, situations exist in which cooling is not possible. The purpose of this study was to determine the palatability of a variety of flavors of ambient temperature beverages. Ten healthy males performed two work trials in [...]