No abstract available.
The impact of prior heat stress on subsequent aerobic exercise-heat performance has not been studied. PURPOSE: To determine whether prior heat stress degrades subsequent aerobic exercise performance in the heat. METHODS: Eighteen nonheat acclimated males were trained (four practice trials) on an aerobic exercise performance test in 22 degrees C and then divided into two [...]
This study investigated the effects of heat exposure, exercise-induced dehydration and fluid ingestion on cognitive performance. Seven healthy men, unacclimatized to heat, were kept euhydrated or were dehydrated by controlled passive exposure to heat (H, two sessions) or by treadmill exercise (E, two sessions) up to a weight loss of 2.8%. On completion of a [...]
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of fluid replacement on power output (PO), rating of perceived exertion (RPE), heart rate (HR), body weight (BW), urine osmolarity (Uosm), and urine electrolyte concentrations ([UNa+], [UK+], [UCl-]) in physically active men (n = 4) and women (n = 7). The participants were asked to [...]
ONTEXT: To our knowledge, no one has compared the prepractice hydration status of male and female National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division I athletes or has studied the effects of the menstrual cycle phase on women's prepractice hydration status. OBJECTIVE: To report prepractice hydration status of collegiate athletes and determine the factors that might influence [...]
The present study was prompted by the controversy about the effect of heat-induced dehydration on human performance, and the popular Indian belief that it is not advisable to take water immediately after prolonged exertion in the sun. The points investigated were: (i) the effect of dehydration on some aspects of physical and mental performance, and [...]
The effect of hydration status on performance has not been adequately emphasized or examined in swimmers. Theoretically, moderate overhydration might reduce the proportionate fluid loss from the circulation during exercise of this nature. To explore this issue, 11 (5 women, 6 men) collegiate swimmers swam 2 183-m (200-yd) time trials (3 days apart) in alternate, [...]
No abstract available.
The effect of different rates of fluid ingestion on heart rate, rectal temperature, plasma electrolytes, hormones and performance was examined during prolonged strenuous exercise conducted at 21 degrees C. Seven well-trained males (24 +/- 1 yr; 68.6 +/- 2.9 kg; VO2 peak = 4.69 +/- 0.17 L min-1; mean +/- SEM) cycled for 2 h [...]
No abstract available.