CIEAH-EHI Supported Publications

One of the objectives of the CIEAH is to increase knowledge about human hydration by supporting new research related to this topic. To date a number of research studies and literature reviews have been supported by grants and donations from the CIEAH-EHI and an increasing number have been published in prestigious journals or presented in international congresses.

Publications from the CIEAH-EHI graduate student research grants:

POSTER_Malisova_ESPEN Student’s name: Olga Malisova
University: Universidad de Agricultura de Atenas, Grecia
Project title: “Evaluación de la hidratación en mujeres embarazadas”
Publications: Presentación de póster en el 34 Congreso de la ESPEN (8-11 sept 2012, Barcelona, ESPAÑA). Presentación oral en la Reunión de Biología Experimental (20-24 abril 2013, Boston, EE.UU.).

POSTER_Owen_SC Student’s name: Zoi Toumpakari
University: University of Bristol, RU
Project title: “Refrescos mejor que agua: motivos de los adolescentes para consumirlos e influencias de los colegas para decidirse.”
Publications: Presentación de póster en la International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA) (22-25 mayo, Gante, Bélgica).

POSTER_Toumpakari_ISBNPA poster Student’s name: Julian A. Owen, Edward T. Roberts, Neil P. Walsh y Samuel J. Oliver
University: Bangor University, RU
Project title: “Efectos de la deshidratación hipertónica e isotónica sobre la utilidad de los marcadores de hidratación y la actividad humana.”
Publications: International Sport & Exercise Nutrition Conference (ISENC 2012) (13-15 diciembre 2012 – Sports Central, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, RU).

POSTER_Mohannad_W_Kafri Student’s name: Mohannad W. Kafri
University: University of East Anglia, RU
Project title: Estado de hidratación después de un ictus y relación entre hidratación y estado funcional en el momento del alta hospitalaria.
Title: “The diagnostic accuracy of multi-frequency bioelectrical impedance analysis in diagnosing dehydration after stroke”
Journal: Medical Science Monitor Journal

POSTER_Nassim_Hamouti Student’s name: Nassim Hamouti Mohamed
University: Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, España
Project title: Efectos de la carga de sodio antes del ejercicio sobre la sobrecarga fisiológica y el rendimiento durante el ejercicio en ambiente cálido.
Título: “Ingestion of sodium plus water improves cardiovascular function and performance during dehydrating cycling in the heat”
Journal: Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports


Congress reports


Place: Bilbao, Spain 
Date: 13nd – 15th May 2018
The proceeding book from the III International and V Spanish Hydration Congress is now available to download here, as a supplement published in Spanish Journal of Community Nutrition.


Place: Toledo, Spain
Date: 2nd – 4th December 2015

The proceeding book from the II International and IV Spanish Hydration Congress is now available to download here, as a supplement published in Nutrition Hospital.


The reviews from this meeting were published as a special supplement in the September 2015 issue of Nutrition Reviews. Click here to access the supplement.


Between 3rd and 4th December 2013, the EHI collaborated with the I International and III National Hydration Congress which took place at the Palacio Municipal de Congresos in Madrid.

The event brought together prestigious experts and renowned specialists from around the world to discuss the latest scientific advances in the area of hydration.

The full proceedings from the congress can be viewed and downloaded here


Review papers

Beverage and water intake of healthy adults in some European countries

Nissensohn M, Castro-Quezada I, Serra-Majem L.International Journal of Food Sciences & Nutrition Posted online on June 3, 2013.

The importance of human hydration perceptions among healthcare professionals across Europe

Holdsworth JE.Nutrition Bulletin 2012;37(1):16-24.

Hydration and cognitive performance

Secher M, Ritz P.The journal of nutrition, health & aging 2012, 16(4):325-329.

Hydration, Water Intake, and Beverage Consumption Habits among Adults

Gibson S, Gunn P, Maughan RJ. Nutrition Bulletin 2012;37(3):182-192.



guide2Guide to nutrition and for active healthy lifestyles

Produced as a joint initiative of the EHI, the British Dietetic Association (Sport Dietitians UK) and the English Institute of Sport.