A randomised controlled trial to investigate the effects of dehydration on tooth colour.

OBJECTIVES: To assess effects of dehydration on tooth colour. To investigate any change in tooth colour resulting from dehydration and the time required for any change to return to baseline. METHODS: 20 subjects with intact maxillary central incisors were recruited. In each case one incisor was randomly assigned as test tooth with the other acting [...]

By |2017-05-21T03:16:53+00:00enero 31st, 2013|Assessment methodologies, Documentos científicos|Comentarios desactivados en A randomised controlled trial to investigate the effects of dehydration on tooth colour.

A rapid beverage intake questionnaire can detect changes in beverage intake.

Attention on beverage intake, specifically sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB), has increased in recent years. A brief valid, reliable and sensitive assessment tool for quantifying beverage consumption and determining its influence on weight status could help to advance research on this topic. The valid and reliable 15-item beverage questionnaire (BEVQ-15) estimates mean daily intake of water, SSB [...]

By |2017-05-21T03:16:54+00:00enero 31st, 2013|Assessment methodologies, Documentos científicos|Comentarios desactivados en A rapid beverage intake questionnaire can detect changes in beverage intake.

Dehydration and endurance performance in competitive athletes.

The field of research examining the link between dehydration and endurance performance is at the dawn of a new era. This article reviews the latest findings describing the relationship between exercise-induced dehydration and endurance performance and provides the knowledge necessary for competitive, endurance-trained athletes to develop a winning hydration strategy. Acute, pre-exercise body weight loss [...]

By |2017-05-21T03:16:37+00:00enero 31st, 2013|Assessment methodologies, Documentos científicos|Comentarios desactivados en Dehydration and endurance performance in competitive athletes.

Evaluation of a clinical dehydration scale in children requiring intravenous rehydration.

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the reliability and validity of a previously derived clinical dehydration scale (CDS) in a cohort of children with gastroenteritis and evidence of dehydration. METHODS: Participants were 226 children older than 3 months who presented to a tertiary care emergency department and required intravenous rehydration. Reliability was assessed at treatment initiation, by comparing [...]

By |2017-05-21T03:16:57+00:00enero 31st, 2013|Assessment methodologies, Documentos científicos|Comentarios desactivados en Evaluation of a clinical dehydration scale in children requiring intravenous rehydration.

Hydration biomarkers in free-living adults with different levels of habitual fluid consumption.

Little is known about the impact of habitual fluid intake on physiology. Specifically, biomarkers of hydration status and body water regulation have not been adequately explored in adults who consume different fluid volumes in everyday conditions, without prolonged exercise or environmental exposure. The purpose of the present study was to compare adults with habitually different [...]

By |2017-05-21T03:17:17+00:00enero 31st, 2013|Assessment methodologies, Documentos científicos|Comentarios desactivados en Hydration biomarkers in free-living adults with different levels of habitual fluid consumption.

The measurement of axillary moisture for the assessment of dehydration among older patients: A pilot study.

PURPOSE: Dry axilla can sometimes be found among dehydrated older patients. In this study, we measured the axillary moisture and assessed it as possible marker for dehydration. METHODS: Twenty-nine older patients admitted with acute medical conditions participated in this study. Dehydration was diagnosed by the calculated serum osmolality of greater than 295mOsm/L. The moisture of [...]

By |2017-05-21T03:17:17+00:00enero 31st, 2013|Assessment methodologies, Documentos científicos|Comentarios desactivados en The measurement of axillary moisture for the assessment of dehydration among older patients: A pilot study.

Biophysical measures of skin tissue water: variations within and among anatomical sites and correlations between measures.

BACKGROUND: Biophysical measures to assess that skin water includes stratum corneum hydration via capacitance (SC), dermal water via tissue dielectric constant (TDC), and transepidermal water loss (TEWL). Since skin differs among anatomical sites and tissue depth we sought to determine the site and depth variability of these measures and their relationships. METHODS: Measurements were done [...]

By |2017-05-21T03:16:56+00:00enero 31st, 2013|Assessment methodologies, Documentos científicos|Comentarios desactivados en Biophysical measures of skin tissue water: variations within and among anatomical sites and correlations between measures.

High prevalence of plasma hypertonicity among community-dwelling older adults: results from NHANES III.

OBJECTIVE: Recent data suggest that as many as 50% of older adults may have hypertonic plasma, an indicator of cell dehydration that predicts a range of adverse outcomes. To determine if a prevalence of this magnitude could be real, this study used nationally representative data to estimate the prevalence of hypertonicity, and to test for biologically plausible associations between hypertonicity, older age, glucose dysregulation, hemoconcentration, reduced bioelectrical [...]

By |2017-05-21T03:17:44+00:00enero 31st, 2013|Assessment methodologies, Documentos científicos|Comentarios desactivados en High prevalence of plasma hypertonicity among community-dwelling older adults: results from NHANES III.

Water-deficit equation: systematic analysis and improvement.

BACKGROUND: The water-deficit equation {WD(1) = 0.6 — B(m) — [1 - (140 · Na(+))]; B(m) denotes body mass} is used in medicine and nutrition to estimate the volume (L) of water required to correct dehydration during the initial stages of fluid-replacement therapy. Several equation assumptions may limit its accuracy, but none have been systematically [...]

By |2017-05-21T03:17:43+00:00enero 31st, 2013|Assessment methodologies, Documentos científicos|Comentarios desactivados en Water-deficit equation: systematic analysis and improvement.