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No abstract available.
This study investigated the individual and combined effects of water and carbohydrate ingestion during prolonged cycling on maximal neuromuscular power (P(max)), thermoregulation, cardiovascular function, and metabolism. Eight endurance-trained cyclists exercised for 122 min at 62% maximal oxygen uptake in a 35 degrees C environment (50% relative humidity, 2 m/s fan speed). P(max) was measured in [...]
The influence of hyperhydration on thermoregulatory function was tested in 8 male volunteers. The subjects performed cycle exercise in the upright position at 52% Vo2max for 45 min in a thermoneutral (Ta = 23 degrees C) environment. The day after the control exercise the subjects were hyperhydrated with tap water (35 ml X kg-1 of [...]
No abstract available.
During exercise, sweat output often exceeds water intake, producing a water deficit or hypohydration. The water deficit lowers both intracellular and extracellular fluid volumes, and causes a hypotonic-hypovolemia of the blood. Aerobic exercise tasks are likely to be adversely effected by hypohydration (even in the absence of heat strain), with the potential affect being greater [...]
No abstract available.
This study examined the effects of hyperhydration on thermoregulatory responses during compensable exercise-heat stress. The general approach was to determine whether 1-h preexercise hyperhydration [29. 1 ml/kg lean body mass; with or without glycerol (1.2 g/kg lean body mass)] would improve sweating responses and reduce core temperature during exercise. During these experiments, the evaporative heat [...]
Gastrointestinal distress is commonly reported by athletes after ingestion of a beverage. We speculate that ingestion may be occurring after dehydration has taken place. The high prevalence of GI disorders in marathon runners who have lost greater than or equal to 4% body weight supports this theory. To test this theory, the effects of dehydration, [...]
During exercise in the heat, sweat output often exceeds water intake, which results in a body water deficit or hypohydration. This water deficit occurs from both the intracellular and extracellular fluid compartments, and causes a hypertonic-hypovolemia of the blood. Aerobic exercise tasks are likely to be adversely affected by hypohydration; and the warmer the environment [...]