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No abstract available.
AIM: To assess if there is deterioration in mental and psychomotor performance during 24-hour voluntary fluid intake deprivation. METHODS: A battery of computer generated psychological tests (Complex Reactionmeter Drenovac-series) was applied to 10 subjects to test light signal position discrimination, short-term memory, simple visual orientation, simple arithmetics, and complex motor coordination. We measured total test [...]
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). During November 7-December 9, 1997, three previously healthy collegiate wrestlers in different states died while each was engaged in a program of rapid weight loss to qualify for competition. In the hours preceding the official weigh-in, all three wrestlers engaged in a similar rapid weight-loss regimen that promoted [...]
BACKGROUND: Football players lose 3.5 to 5 kg of body weight during preseason practices because of heavy sweating. This fluid may be difficult to replace when practices occur 2 times per day on consecutive days. HYPOTHESIS: Football players are hypohydrated during twice-a-day preseason training in a hot, humid environment. STUDY DESIGN: Descriptive laboratory study. METHODS: [...]
Hypohydration is known to impair performance and increases the risk of heat injury. Therefore, the consumption of appropriate fluid volumes before, during, and after tennis play is important to maintain physiological homeostasis and performance. Tennis is a sport that typically has points lasting fewer than ten seconds, with short-to-moderate rest periods between each work bout. [...]
PURPOSE: Although many studies have attempted to examine the effect of hypohydration on strength, power, and high-intensity endurance, few have successfully isolated changes in total body water from other variables that alter performance (e.g., increased core temperature), and none have documented the influence of hypohydration on an isotonic, multiset, multirepetition exercise bout typical of resistance [...]
Significant scientific evidence documents the deleterious effects of hypohydration (reduced total body water) on endurance exercise performance; however, the influence of hypohydration on muscular strength, power and high-intensity endurance (maximal activities lasting >30 seconds but
There is little information on the nutritional habits of female football players at any level of the game. There is also a shortage of information on the nutrition and hydration strategies that players should adopt. In general, differences in nutritional needs between males and females are smaller than differences between individuals, so that principles developed [...]
It is well established that resistance exercise can damage muscle tissue, but the combined effects of hypohydration and resistance exercise on muscle damage are unclear. Two common circulating markers of muscle damage, myoglobin (Mb) and creatine kinase (CK) may be attenuated by fluid ingestion post-exercise. The purpose of this study was to examine the combined [...]