Effect of hydration state on strength, power, and resistance exercise performance.

PURPOSE: Although many studies have attempted to examine the effect of hypohydration on strength, power, and high-intensity endurance, few have successfully isolated changes in total body water from other variables that alter performance (e.g., increased core temperature), and none have documented the influence of hypohydration on an isotonic, multiset, multirepetition exercise bout typical of resistance [...]

By |2013-01-31T18:33:09+00:00enero 31st, 2013|Exercise and sport, Scientific papers|0 Comments

Hydration and muscular performance: does fluid balance affect strength, power and high-intensity endurance?

Significant scientific evidence documents the deleterious effects of hypohydration (reduced total body water) on endurance exercise performance; however, the influence of hypohydration on muscular strength, power and high-intensity endurance (maximal activities lasting >30 seconds but

By |2013-01-31T18:33:09+00:00enero 31st, 2013|Exercise and sport, Scientific papers|0 Comments

Nutrition and hydration concerns of the female football player.

There is little information on the nutritional habits of female football players at any level of the game. There is also a shortage of information on the nutrition and hydration strategies that players should adopt. In general, differences in nutritional needs between males and females are smaller than differences between individuals, so that principles developed [...]

By |2013-01-31T18:33:09+00:00enero 31st, 2013|Exercise and sport, Scientific papers|0 Comments

Effect of hydration status on high-intensity rowing performance and immune function.

PURPOSE: This study determined the effect of dehydration and rehydration (DR) on performance, immune cell response, and tympanic temperature after high-intensity rowing exercise. METHODS: Seven oarswomen completed two simulated 2000-m rowing race trials separated by 72 h in a random, cross-over design. One trial was completed in a euhydrated (E) condition and the other using [...]

By |2013-01-31T18:33:08+00:00enero 31st, 2013|Exercise and sport, Scientific papers|0 Comments

Development of individual hydration strategies for athletes.

Athletes are encouraged to begin exercise well hydrated and to consume sufficient amounts of appropriate fluids during exercise to limit water and salt deficits. Available evidence suggests that many athletes begin exercise already dehydrated to some degree, and although most fail to drink enough to match sweat losses, some drink too much and a few [...]

By |2013-01-31T18:33:08+00:00enero 31st, 2013|Exercise and sport, Scientific papers|0 Comments

Conference on “Multidisciplinary approaches to nutritional problems”. Symposium on “Performance, exercise and health”. Hydration, fluids and performance.

Sweat evaporation can be a key thermoregulatory mechanism and it causes a loss of water from all compartments of the body. Hypohydration can also develop with restricted fluid intake or with intake of diuretics. Hypohydration can affect physical and/or mental performance and/or have implications for dietary recommendations. A variety of different types and modes of [...]

By |2013-01-31T18:33:08+00:00enero 31st, 2013|Exercise and sport, Scientific papers|0 Comments

Effective fluid replacement.

As a result of exercise-induced sweating, athletes and trained individuals can lose up to 3 L of fluid per hour. Fluid replacement is required to maintain hydration and allow the athlete to continue to perform. Inadequate fluid intake will adversely affect temperature regulation, cardiovascular function, and muscle metabolism. To maximize fluid intake and effectively replace [...]

By |2013-01-31T18:33:08+00:00enero 31st, 2013|Exercise and sport, Scientific papers|0 Comments

Effect of hydration state on resistance exercise-induced endocrine markers of anabolism, catabolism, and metabolism.

Hypohydration (decreased total body water) exacerbates the catabolic hormonal response to endurance exercise with unclear effects on anabolic hormones. Limited research exists that evaluates the effect of hypohydration on endocrine responses to resistance exercise; this work merits attention as the acute postexercise hormonal environment potently modulates resistance training adaptations. The purpose of this study was [...]

By |2013-01-31T18:33:08+00:00enero 31st, 2013|Exercise and sport, Scientific papers|0 Comments

American College of Sports Medicine position stand. Exercise and fluid replacement.

It is the position of the American College of Sports Medicine that adequate fluid replacement helps maintain hydration and, therefore, promotes the health, safety, and optimal physical performance of individuals participating in regular physical activity. This position statement is based on a comprehensive review and interpretation of scientific literature concerning the influence of fluid replacement [...]

By |2013-01-31T18:33:08+00:00enero 31st, 2013|Exercise and sport, Scientific papers|0 Comments

Hydration recommendations for sport 2008.

Fluid replacement remains an important strategy for preserving exercise performance as dehydration in excess of 2% of body weight consistently impairs aerobic exercise performance. Too much of a good thing, however, can have negative health consequences as persistent drinking in excess of sweating rate can induce symptomatic exercise associated hyponatremia. This short review highlights new [...]

By |2013-01-31T18:33:08+00:00enero 31st, 2013|Exercise and sport, Scientific papers|0 Comments