Airlangga scoring system for prediction of dehydration in diarrheal patients.

To investigate the predictive factors for dehydration in acute diarrheal patients, this case control study was conducted using the observational analytic method. Acute diarrheal patients who were admitted to the Hospital and Outpatient Pediatric Clinic, Dr Soetomo Hospital, were included in this study. By discriminant analysis, three significant variables were determined to differentiate dehydration risk [...]

By |2013-01-31T09:55:09+00:00enero 31st, 2013|Assessment methodologies, Scientific papers|0 Comments

Physician misdiagnosis of dehydration in older adults

INTRODUCTION: Dehydration is a difficult clinical diagnosis in older adults because the physical signs of dehydration are often confusing. The clinical consequences of a diagnosis of dehydration are critical, since dehydration implies increased morbidity and mortality and aggressive rehydration can improve clinical outcome. The diagnosis is a sentinel event for nursing homes, and often is [...]

By |2013-01-31T09:55:09+00:00enero 31st, 2013|Assessment methodologies, Scientific papers|0 Comments

A volume loading test for the detection of hypovolemia and dehydration.

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: There is a need for simple method allowing detection of dehydration and hypovolemia. Based on a new theory of homeostatic blood states, we hypothesized that hemodilution following standardized crystalloid fluid bolus can be used to discriminate between baseline normohydration and dehydration, also normovolemia and hypovolemia. METHODS: Computer simulations based on previously published [...]

By |2013-01-31T09:55:09+00:00enero 31st, 2013|Assessment methodologies, Scientific papers|0 Comments

Validation of the clinical dehydration scale for children with acute gastroenteritis.

OBJECTIVE: We previously created a clinical dehydration scale. Our objective was to validate the clinical dehydration scale with a new cohort of patients with acute gastroenteritis who were assessed in a tertiary emergency department in a developed country. METHODS: A prospective observational study was performed in an emergency department at a large pediatric tertiary center [...]

By |2013-01-31T09:55:09+00:00enero 31st, 2013|Assessment methodologies, Scientific papers|0 Comments

Saliva parameters as potential indices of hydration status during acute dehydration.

PURPOSE: Firstly, to identify whether saliva flow rate, osmolality, and total protein are potential markers of hydration, we compared changes in these parameters with changes in plasma osmolality during progressive dehydration. Secondly, we compared the sensitivity of saliva parameters to track hydration changes with the sensitivity of urine osmolality. Thirdly, to test the hypothesis that [...]

By |2013-01-31T09:55:09+00:00enero 31st, 2013|Assessment methodologies, Scientific papers|0 Comments

Urine specific gravity and other urinary indices: inaccurate tests for dehydration.

OBJECTIVE: Urine output, specific gravity, and ketones (urinary indices) are commonly used as an objective means to assess for dehydration and gastroenteritis severity; however, their utility has not been established. The study was designed to evaluate the accuracy of urinary indices as diagnostic tests to identify acute dehydration. METHODS: We completed a prospective cohort study [...]

By |2013-01-31T09:55:08+00:00enero 31st, 2013|Assessment methodologies, Scientific papers|0 Comments

A novel imaging technique to measure capillary-refill time: improving diagnostic accuracy for dehydration in young children with gastroenteritis.

BACKGROUND: Assessment of dehydration in young children currently depends on clinical judgment, which is relatively inaccurate. By using digital videography, we developed a way to assess capillary-refill time more objectively. OBJECTIVE: Our goal was to determine whether digitally measured capillary-refill time assesses the presence of significant dehydration (> or = 5%) in young children with [...]

By |2013-01-31T09:55:08+00:00enero 31st, 2013|Assessment methodologies, Scientific papers|0 Comments

Reference chart for relative weight change to detect hypernatraemic dehydration.

OBJECTIVE: The validity of the rule of thumb that infants may have a weight loss of 10% in the first days after birth is unknown. We assessed the validity of this and other rules to detect breast-fed infants with hypernatraemic dehydration. DESIGN: A reference chart for relative weight change was constructed by the LMS method. [...]

By |2013-01-31T09:55:08+00:00enero 31st, 2013|Assessment methodologies, Scientific papers|0 Comments