What Do Athletes Drink During Competitive Sporting Activities?

Although expert groups have developed guidelines for fluid intake during sports, there is debate about their real-world application. We reviewed the literature on self-selected hydration strategies during sporting competitions to determine what is apparently practical and valued by athletes. We found few studies of drinking practices involving elite or highly competitive athletes, even in popular [...]

By |2017-05-21T03:16:34+00:00abril 26th, 2013|Body water content; body composition, Documentos científicos, Exercise and sport, Hydration status of population groups, Thirst, Water balance|Comentarios desactivados en What Do Athletes Drink During Competitive Sporting Activities?

The Effects of High Intensity Intermittent Exercise Compared to Continuous Exercise on Voluntary Water Ingestion.

Water intake occurs following a period of high intensity intermittent exercise (HIIE) due to sensations of thirst yet this does not always appear to be caused by body water losses. Thus, the aim was to assess voluntary water intake following HIIE. Ten healthy males (22±2y, 75.6±6.9kg, VO2peak 57.3±11.4ml.kg-1.min-1) (mean±SD) completed two trials (7-14d apart). Subjects [...]

By |2017-05-21T03:16:35+00:00abril 26th, 2013|Body water content; body composition, Documentos científicos, Hydration status of population groups, Thirst, Water balance|Comentarios desactivados en The Effects of High Intensity Intermittent Exercise Compared to Continuous Exercise on Voluntary Water Ingestion.

Relationship between thirst perception and plasma arginine vasopressin concentration in man.

We examined the possibility that measurements of thirst perception in man using the visual Analogue Scale (VAS) can be used to estimate plasma arginine vasopressin concentration in man. In thirty normal subjects (male=15 and female=15), thirst perception (TP, cm) was rated and 5.0ml blood samples were collected for the measurement of plasma arginine vasopressin (PAVP) [...]

By |2017-05-21T03:18:09+00:00enero 31st, 2013|Documentos científicos, Thirst|Comentarios desactivados en Relationship between thirst perception and plasma arginine vasopressin concentration in man.


There is a widely held view that hunger prompts feeding to ensure energy needs are met, while thirst cues drinking to address hydration requirements. However, recent changes in the nature of the food supply and eating patterns have raised questions about the functionality of these relationships with respect to maintaining energy balance. The increasing consumption [...]

By |2013-01-31T18:34:21+00:00enero 31st, 2013|Scientific papers, Thirst|0 Comments


This study investigated the relationship between runners' perceptions of fluid needs and drinking behavior under conditions of compensable heat stress (ambient temperature = 20.5 +/- 0.7 degrees C, 68.9 degrees F; relative humidity = 76.6%). Eighteen experienced runners (15 men, 40.5 +/- 2.5 y, and 3 women, 42 +/- 2.3 y) were given ad libitum [...]

By |2013-01-31T18:34:20+00:00enero 31st, 2013|Scientific papers, Thirst|0 Comments